ACT and SAT Test Preparation

ACT and PSAT/SAT Test Preparation

img-58More than just workbooks and practice tests, our ACT and SAT Test Preparation sessions help guide students to not only prepare for standardized tests, but improve their scores and reduce test anxiety.

Increased scores and better test performance aren't the only benefits of our test prep sessions. Students benefit from learning our proven strategies, techniques, and insights, which help them academically not only in high school but throughout college as well.


Frequently Asked Questions

When should my student start preparing for the ACT or SAT?

Typically, most students begin to prepare for the ACT or SAT tests in the fall of their junior year in high school. Some students prefer to begin preparation during the summer before their junior year, without the added responsibilities of schoolwork and extra-curricular activities. The ACT test, for example, is offered seven times during the 2018-2019 school year, with the first test on September 8, 2018 and the last on July 13, 2019.

When and where are your test preparation classes available?

Our professionally trained and experienced tutors work with you and your student's schedule to find a day and time that works best for your student's test prep sessions. Because each of our test prep sessions is an individualized session, not a group class, our tutors can come to you -- we will meet at your home or at a local library.

I heard that the ACT writing test has changed -- do your tutors know about the new writing format?

The ACT Test made changes to the writing section of the test in 2015 and our tutors are not only familiar with the new format, but have proven success in helping even the most timid writer approach the new format with confidence and success.

How do I get started?

Contact us at (312) 402-8595 to discuss your student's goals and we can start planning the next steps for your student's success with the ACT or SAT Test.